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As you may know, I have chosen to create my own website after a long desire to do so in the community of magick and readers. I thought It was time to shift my focus on a new direction; that being a simpler and more hands on platform. Undoubtebly, the opening of my own website will bring many open doors and the facile managmenet of it will allow for more time for castings and readings. I have been fully loaded with emergency castings lately but am ready to the uppermost excitement to finally accomplish my goal of my very own website creation! I invite you to celebrate with me and contact me via the contact form for any questions you may have regarding hoodoo, voodoo, other sorts of magick, tarot readings, clairovoyancy and much more. I am happy to experience blogging on this new platform and would like to keep you updated. I will remain on Etsy but may not be overaly active. Please join me in my website by making your inquiries on here.




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