Protection Jar
Protection is vital before and after any spiritual working. You can never have enough protection! I always preach protect yourself from...
REALRESULTSBYANDY LLC , Products is your supplier for Hoodoo condition oils, sachet powders, herb baths, and mojo bags for powerful and effective magical spells. Our blends are crafted from formulas based on Hoodoo/Rootwork folklore (Southern Folk Magic) to create the best tools for your magical success.
We use real essential oils, herbs, roots, and minerals because we believe that the quality of our materials is what determines the power and effectiveness of our products.
A stalwart and intensely experienced root worker specializing in powerful ancestral southern conjure rootowrk spells to fulfill your desires along with detailed and accurate readings. I supply powerful traditional and custom made Conjure oils, powders, roots, herbs, mojo bags, baths, etc. All products are made to order and sold as curios only. Buyer is bound by the 'Legal & Purchase Policy' terms and conditions cited when purchasing. I offer wholesale options for to sellers with a valid license. Sending me long emails to read your life story or to discuss spellwork you need to PURCHASE A ROOTWORK CONSULTATION OR READING! I have been practicing hoodoo and other forms of magic for many years and hold clairvoyant abilities to foresee your future and predict specifically acquired events. What is Conjure and rootwork sometimes called Hoodoo? It is AFRICAN -American folk magic. It consists mainly of African folkloric practices and beliefs with a significant blend of American Indian botanical knowledge from southern states. I blend in other forms of magick such as Palo, Santeria, and other west African traditions.. I am widely known for my readings as I offer tarot, cartomancy, remote viewing and others forms of predictions which will offer you certain timelines.
My spellcastings will change your life. I practice both white magick and black magick. My darker magick castings in which spirits are involved are safe but I often encourage a protection casting. The most popular kind of work which I get asked to do are love and commitment spells along with break up and financial gain castings. Due to my intensely rising number of castings, I offer emergency services at an extra fee. I encourage you to get a reading before attempting any sort of magick in order to gain a clearer perspective of the situation. My readings are affordable and accurate. * Please browse through all of pages at the top . Browse through my Services page or scroll all the way down.
For more information about my work and ethics, you can read more on my "About Me" page. Feel free to contact me for any questions and make sure to stay in touch on Twitter and Blogger.
Candle Magick
White Magick
Dark Magick
Extreme Magick
You can stay up to date with my work, findings and explanatory wild debates which will have you gain insight on how magick works, the healing properties of it and much more by following my blog and bookmarking my site.
To walk in harmony with nature, never taking without giving,To understand that magick is an alliance between humans and the Earth for the betterment of all.To use magick as an instrument of loving change, not hateful destruction.To see the spiritual in the physical and to understand that neither is higher nor more perfect than the other.To wisely use natural energies only when in genuine need, not for greed.To know nothing is impossible if we will work beyond personal limitations. To work magick for others only with their permission.To celebrate magick as a union with the energies that gave us our physical forms. To improve ourselves, our friends, and our world for the greater good of all.
Visit "Services" for access to all rootwork and readings. Custom Services and Emergency castings are also available.